People's views are pretty crazy. Here is a quote from the Director of the Centre for Inquiry:
“I think the anti-vac movement is very powerful, even though it occupies a fringe level of science,” said Ethan Clow, Director of the Centre for Inquiry, a non-profit educational organization.
“Our concern is that by giving space to this anti-vaccine group, SFU is lending tacit approval to their message, which has been rigorously debunked."
"Fringe level of science" & that the message of the anti-vaccine group "has been rigorously debunked".
You know, this seems to be a common message already, so soon in my research. I'm finding factual evidence that there are toxic ingredients that harm an adult human body, let alone a brand new baby, and I keep hearing from the pro-vaccine side is that anything 'anti-vaccine' has been "debunked".
Is that all they can say? Where's the proof?
Further on in the article he says:
"It should come as no surprise that we at CFI took issue with that. There is the added danger that while a scientifically literate person would rightly chalk up the claims made by the anti-vax movement as ludicrous or conspiracy theories of the extreme level. But for a person with no prior scientific background to hear about a conference being held at SFU, they could naturally assume that SFU at least considers these ideas valid and when they see these ideas presented in a university setting, with supposed experts giving talks, it could very easily appear to have the markings of truth."
He's just attacking people who support another idea; a different opinion. "supposed experts". What does that mean anyway? That the vaccine experts making vaccines are so wonderful because they keep it quiet that they're putting viruses and cancer causing agents in the vaccines? That the doctors and other scientists who are uncovering these truths are frauds to their professions and the world because they're telling the truth? Is that what it boils down to? The experts who make the vaccines and teach doctors about them, telling them they're safe to administer to the world are better because they lie?
My post just before this shows just a few of the ingredients that I looked up, there were components that are so toxic that they shouldn't be exposed to skin. But it's better to inject it directly into the blood stream? There's one ingredient that is a spermicide! Formaldehyde is ok to inject into newborn and little babies?? So people who expose this information for what it is, just putting it out there for people who don't have time to do the research themselves, are frauds?
I don't get it.
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