Sunday, 8 September 2013

Vaccines or should I say 'anti-vaccination fraud'

I read this online article today in the National Post titled: The anti-vaccination fraud: Health officials forced to get tough as once-dormant diseases returning

Tristin Hopper | 13/05/03 | Last Updated: 13/08/27 3:07 PM ET

I have been interested in this topic for some time and read articles just to stay on top of what’s going on in a general nature, but this article, for some reason has really hit a nerve with me. Most of the articles I read are American and so don’t give me that ‘close to home’ feeling when I read them, even though I know similar stuff is probably going on somewhere in Canada. This article though is based in Vancouver and reports on a school in Ottawa.  This is all too close to home.

The issue with this article is that there are way too many questions left unanswered. I know that media is all about providing the public with a snippit of information about events and topics. What we read or hear from the media never really gives the whole story. This particular write-up leaves me with some pretty big questions:
  1. What once-dormant diseases are returning?
  2. Wow, is this true that 3 provinces in Canada have legislation to make parents vaccinate their kids or they can't go to school?
  3. What law in Canada states that kids must be vaccinated?
  4. If there is a law, when did we vote on this?
  5. Where is the proof that vaccines are safe?
  6. Tristin states that people who refuse the shots outright are due to “pseudoscientific claims” – where are the hard core scientific claims that prove that vaccines actually work?  Tristin also states: “We have to fight that reality and try to show that vaccination, next to clean water and sanitation, is the most powerful public health tool that exists on the planet.” – Let me point out the strange part of this statement.  “Try to show” – let me spell it out if you haven’t got it, this means that not only have they not shown that this is true, but that they haven’t even tried to date, because they still “have to try”. Yet people are getting suspended from school and Tristin is writing an article stating that that anti-vaccination is a fraud so matter-of-factly. This doesn’t sit well with me.
  7. Where is Tristin’s proof that all the people who don’t poke their babies with a whole concoction of chemical toxins, pig and monkey viruses, formaldehyde, aluminum and mercury, to mention only a few of the ingredients off the top of my head, have chosen to forgo these down right scary needles because of Mr. Wakefield’s “unholy creation”?
  8.  Measles – this is not a deadly disease. It used to be a normal childhood disease where you were put in bed with anyone else who had it just so you’d get it over with. Like the chicken pox. (2011 Measles outbreak sited in Quebec – how many died?)
  9.  “The three-page paper carefully walks physicians through a battery of techniques meant to change parental behavior” – This is scary. Canada is not a dictatorship and still there is no proof that vaccines are safe. Yet, parents are being forced to submit their children to toxic chemicals directly in their blood stream.
  10.   “It is just a matter of time before a child is left with serious and permanent complications such as eye disorders, deafness or brain damage, or dies,” Dr. Marion Lyons, director of health protection for Public Health Wales, told Welsh media on Thursday. – is this true that these results can happen from Measles in a healthy child with a strong immune system?
  11. Vaccination, by definition, is a never-ending struggle between individual rights and the protection of society as a whole. (Dr. Findlay) – protection of society as a whole he says. My question is: are these diseases, such as Measles and Chickenpox that detrimental to a healthy clean society in North America? Aren’t subjecting children at birth and throughout their first 6 months of life with toxic chemicals, animal DNA and Viruses, formaldehyde, aluminum, mercury etc just as bad if not worse? Children are coming down with auto-immune diseases that cannot be cured, autism is on the rise exponentially even though the “study has been debunked” that say it’s from vaccines. What else is causing it then?
  12.  “What we were looking for is proof that influenza … is decreased. Didn’t find it. We looked for proof that pneumonia is reduced. Didn’t find it. We looked for proof deaths from pneumonia are reduced. Didn’t find it,” Dr. Roger Thomas of the University of Calgary told the Post in 2010 following the release of paper he co-authored questioning the effectiveness of flu vaccines. - & what about the effectiveness of the HPV vaccine for babies? Is there a proof of decline of baby STDs?
  13.  “The shot is somewhat ineffectual, sometimes logging effectiveness rates nearing 50%. Nevertheless, proponents maintain the figures are irrelevant when it comes to keeping hospitals free of disease. “The questions to consider are ‘does it protect health care workers? Does it save patients’ lives?’ The answer is yes to both,” Dr. Allison McGeer, head of infection control at Toronto’s Mount Sinai Hospital, told Global News in March.” – “Proponents maintain the figures are irrelevant when it comes to keeping hospitals free of disease.” – wouldn’t one of the best places to see results be in hospitals? Isn’t this where a lot of diseases are spread in society? People go into hospitals for broken bones and come out with diseases. There are so many in hospitals that you’d think it would also be the easiest place to see results. So if results are not being shown in hospitals due to vaccines, how can they be shown unequivocally in cities of Canada where the population is generally healthy?
  14.  “We’ve seen a couple of pockets where there are outbreaks,” Dr. Steve Hamilton told reporters on April 1, ‘‘and in both those areas there … are anti-vaccination networks active and they should be stopped.’’ – are the outbreaks happening in these non-vaccinated populations? People who get vaccines still come down with diseases. Vaccines do not wipe out the disease completely. I read awhile ago about the tetanus vaccine and how people with 4 shots can still come down with the disease anyway and many people do.
  15.  In Canada, the culprit may not be so much ignorance as complacency. Canadian cities no longer abound with limping polio victims and measles-scarred children, prompting a new generation of Canadians to assume that measles and polio — like smallpox — is no longer a health risk. – is it not that these diseases are no longer a health risk, isn’t the concern that vaccines are a greater health risk?
  16.  “Last week, researchers at the University of Guelph announced that they had discovered a vaccine to combat Clostridium bolteae, a gut bug that causes painful gastrointestinal issues — and is particularly prominent in sufferers of autism.”– could this gut bug also be prevalent in Autistic sufferers because of the imbalance of their systems due to the vaccines in the first place? – can we not maintain a healthy gut by eating healthy foods and maintaining a healthy gut flora? Why do we have to have yet another vaccine for this? Where is your personal responsibility for your health that you can easily control without external means? 
Now to go research to find answers to my questions. I’ll have to update this post as I find the info. Might take some time though, but hang in there! 

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