The more I think about this article in the National Post written here in Vancouver the more perplexed I get. (
Is this truly the viewpoint of Canadians? Or more specifically, Canadians on the West Coast?
Do people really believe that we have to submit ourselves to the will of others so fully? What I mean, is that the view point of this article is that if we don't vaccinate then we are not being responsible to the whole of society. Correct me please if I'm wrong.
So, going on this assumption that I'm right in understanding the baseline of Tristin's write-up, we aren't allowed to choose how we maintain our health. Vaccines, if in fact, they do work (I am yet to see anything showing that they are scientifically proven, if you have seen it please post it!) aren't the only way to stay healthy. I know personally (& I don't know a lot of people really) 3 sets of families who have not vaccinated any member and they all have travelled to far off countries and none of them have come down with diseases even though they were in India and other places. They are all very healthy people who take great care and responsibility for their health. The way to do this is to maintain the immune system, making it strong and capable of warding off diseases. Do people really think that putting toxic chemicals, animal DNA and viruses and a whole slew of other ingredients is the way to create health in general, let alone in a growing and developing brand new baby?? Oh boy, I'm off topic. So people want to believe that whatever the Government tells them to believe is the right thing for them to do? But who is "the Government"? Who are we believing in when we trust what they tell us? Don't people ask themselves this question? When a medical Doctor says vaccines are safe, why is he to be trusted? Do we know anything about our medical or family Doctors? Their personal lives and experiences, what made them who and what they are? No, we don't generally. So why do we trust what they say. Do we even know how they learned the information they are telling patients. This seems to be blind trust. Why?
(Vancouver) Governments frequently claim that they can’t afford to take action on poverty, but a new study shows that it’s much more costly to allow poverty to continue and pay for the consequences."
$8-9 billion annually in BC alone. That's crazy! How much do unvaccinated people cost? Is there statistics for that? I wonder what the cost of Vaccines are? Or is it that Big Pharma makes so much money from them? Dr. Carolyn Dean states: "the pharmaceutical industry, rocked by the withdrawal of blockbuster drugs, is depending on vaccines as another way to boost their profits."
So, back to my point: does our society, here on the West Coast of Canada, truly believe that we should be told how to parent? Not just in general, but what time we should wake up in the morning and go to bed at night, what we should feed and teach our children, what time we should put our children down for their afternoon nap. For how long we're allowed to take them to the park, what clothes we're allowed to dress them in... the list goes on. Shouldn't we be told all of this because we don't really know how and we need to be responsible for society (the costs are great!). We need to and do what someone else tells us, well not just someone, but the Government of Canada specifically, then we would know what to do and would be responsible as a whole to society.
Isn't this describing a dictatorship? How did we lose the right to maintain our own health as we choose?
Tristin's statements about Mr. Wakefield are somewhat troubling as well. Mr. Wakefield, an ex doctor, is being painted as such a horrible person for supposedly making up a story about vaccines causing autism. How do we know what is true? He recanted his story, you say. Well, we don't know the whole story about that, do we? He probably just spoke too loudly and too close to reality for the comfort of Big Pharma.
I have a book called "Death by Modern Medicine" by Carolyn Dean, MD ND. In her book Carolyn lists Dr.s who have lost their licenses by the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario (CPSO) and she asks if they are "more interested in protecting the allopathic monopoly in the practice of medicine than in the health and well-being of patients?"
She asks this question because of the following Dr.s who have lost their licenses:
- Dr. Carolyn Dean herself - she found out from a friend that her license had been revoked in Ontario then she found out by the California State Licensing Board that "Ontario had notified them that [she] was unfit to practice medicine and advised them to revoke [her] California license." All this because she spoke out about the health issues of sugar and that she practices traditional medicine.
- Dr. Josef Krop - "was accused of not conforming to the 'standard practice of medicine.'" He did this by "telling patients to drink spring water and eat organic foods".
- Dr. Frank Adams - "was charged with incompetence in the treatment of his patients". He believes there "is no 'one size fits all' prescription for people with severe pain."
- Dr. Michael Smith - "had a complaint of sexual impropriety laid against him by an unstable patient. When the patient saw the venom with which the CPSO was attacking Dr. Smith, supposedly on her behalf, she withdrew her charges - but to no avail. The CPSo stepped up the pressure on Dr. Smith". Dr. Smith shot himself 2 weeks later.
- Dr. Ravikovitch - "an internationally respected allergist, had such extraordinary results with his asthma and allergy patients by using the simple medication histamine that he came under attack by the CPSO. In spite of getting wonderful results, not using the standard list of drugs - prednisone, ventolin, alupent, etc - made Dr. Ravikovitch a target."
- "The list goes on and on, as documented by fellow activist and writer Helke Ferrie in her many writings (see"
How do we know that Mr. Wakefield wasn't correct? There are people out there who believe the same thing and that vaccines do more than cause autism:
- One book I came across: VACCeptable Injuries: Increasing Childhood Diseases & Developmental Disorders by Mr. Markus Heinze - "Using a highly personal approach, VACCeptable Injuries: Increasing Childhood Diseases & Developmental Disorders educates parents about the scientifically-documented risks involved in vaccination. Author Markus Heinze speaks from traumatic personal experience, as the father of a vaccine-injured child. His daughter developed type 1 diabetes, an autoimmune disease, at the age of three-and-a-half-years old."
- An article in the Liberty Beacon about the 'admitted' failures of Vaccines:
- Another article in the Liberty Beacon about SIDS and Vaccines: - "Dr. Viera Scheibner, the author of the study, concluded that “vaccination is the single most prevalent and most preventable cause of infant deaths".
- How about this article: Vaccinated children have up to 500% more disease than unvaccinated children - "Suspicions have been confirmed for those wary of vaccinating their children. A recent large study corroborates other independent study surveys comparing unvaccinated children to vaccinated children. They all show that vaccinated children have two to five times more childhood diseases, illnesses, and allergies than unvaccinated children."
And what about the truth of the effectiveness of vaccines? Where is the research? What does Tristin mean by 'pseudoscience' when referring to the claims of anti-vaccination believers?
I keep finding statements such as the following: "The usual suspects – Big Pharma and government – have been working hand-in-hand for years to convince the public that pharmaceutical medicine is safe and effective. But now renewed scientific investigation of Big Pharma’s fraudulent claims about their products has appeared in mainstream journals and can no longer be ignored." - Found in an article by Helke Ferrie -
And in Dr. Carolyn Dean's book: "The Revolving Door Between FDA, NIH, and Big Pharma - Take special note of the Federal Technology Act of 1986 and the Executive Order of 1987, which 'encourages government employees to work for the private sector for short periods of time to ensure commercial success of the new drugs.' The open-door policy that exists between government and Big Pharma is a law. It's not just a dirty little secret that many of us decry as being unethical and immoral and hidden from public scrutiny."
I have to leave it there for now. Until the next post!